
How to enter

One separate entry form should be completed for each category you enter.

Entries should be no more than 800 words. 

Supporting material is not included in the entry word count.

Please answer each criteria point as fully as you can.

Self-nominations are accepted.

No cost to enter.  

The deadline to submit your entries is 11.59pm on 29th April 2024. Entries received after this will not be considered.

Most impactful headteacher

This category recognises the hard work and achievements of headteachers in schools in any country. Please submit one entry per individual.

Download the entry form here.

Most impactful senior member of staff

This category recognises the hard work and achievements of school leaders OR heads of departments OR SENCOs in schools in any country.

Download the entry form here.

Most impactful teacher - Early Years/Primary

This category recognises the hard work and achievements of teachers in any country. Please submit one entry per individual.

Download the entry form here.

Most impactful teacher - Secondary/FE

This category recognises the hard work and achievements of teachers in schools in any country.

Download the entry form here.

Most impactful support staff member

This category recognises the hard work and achievements of support staff members (e.g. TA, librarian, school counsellor, HLTA) in schools in any country.

Download the entry form here.

Best school digital transformation – state/public school

This category is for schools that do not charge a fee for children to attend. 

It celebrates the state/public schools achieving the most impactful results from the new technology they have implemented within the last two years.

Download the entry form here.

Best school digital transformation – independent school

This category is for schools charging fees for children to attend.

It celebrates the independent schools achieving the most impactful results from the new technology they have implemented within the last two years.

Download the entry form here.

Best AI implementation (schools)

This category recognises artificial intelligence implementations in schools that benefit learning, teaching or reduce staff workload.

Download the entry form here.

Best wellbeing initiative

This category recognises wellbeing initiatives for pupils and staff in the primary, secondary and FE sectors.

Download the entry form here.

Best network manager

This category recognises the excellent technical knowledge, innovation, initiative and leadership of a network manager working in a school or college.

Download the entry form here.

The ICT Evangelist Digital Leader award!

PLEASE NOTE: This category has a different entry process. Do not upload your entry to the awards website. Instead, please email it to the awards adjudicator:

This category recognises individuals working as digital leaders who are employed by schools or colleges, or work as independent advisers.

Download the entry form here.